Academic Writing
- refine
- alter
- constrain
- render
- rely on
- inferred from
- optimize
- hamper
- exploit
- prevent
- employ
- combine
- finalize
- imply
- argue
- is sensitive to
- be updated
- are dominated by
- decipher
- align
- is truncated sharply
- is consistent with
- be mainly attributed to
- are made of
- is originating from
- to probe, to investigate
- enabling us
- inform us on
- is primary controlled by
- deform relatively easily
- naturally explains
- is typically used as a tool for
- is more subject to
- could be naturally explained using
- strongly relies on
- is inferred by
- provides the opportunity to link
- have advanced many study
- lead to the unambiguous interpretation
- is revealed by
- is dipping ~40 degree northeast
- is detached from
- estimation
- stagnation
- insight
- precise
- dominance
- constraints and perspectives
- vicinity
- inherently
- extensively
- optimally
- accordingly
- fundamentally
- namely
- consequently
- naturally
- slightly
- moderately
- noticeably
- significantly
- first, secondly, thirdly, finally
- pronounced
- suitable
- ineffective
- devoted
- derived
- well-documented
- secondary
Useful expression
- better-focused migrated image
- underlying structure
- limited and uncertain
- to mitigate this compromise
- technique developed by the hydrocarbon community
- the accuracy of the background velocity model
- in the typical scenario
- various techniques have been proposed
- have been routinely applied
- building high-resolution velocity model
- foster new developments
- image target of interest for hydrocarbon exploration
- estimation of velocity
- abovementioned limitation
- initial counterparts
- take into account
- velocity model inferred from
- geological structures
- gain new insight into
- different resolution and depth penetration
- carry different resolution power
- show insight
- we hypothesize that
- To reiterate
- it is unclear whether it
- as manifested by
- a piece of evidence
- two lines of evidence
- the evidence outlined above
- the results oppose the view that
- It has been debated that
- there are two phenomenal observations are concluded
- deduced conclusion
- proposed
- to + Verb,
- for + Noun
- via
- due to
- by minimizing
- in contrast
- at the expanse
- in either case
- within
- relative to
- in agreement with
- to better constrain
Academic Paper Writing Tips
- 确定论文题目;
- 构思论文结构:列好论文的提纲和要写的内容;
- 开始论文写作:先写Theory, Numerical tests,Examples和Discussion 部分,用质量普通的图片结果辅助写作,便于对图像所示内容的讨论和解释;
- 增加论文内容:写Introduction和Abstract部分,同时根据Introduction的写作逻辑修改并调节正文内容的顺序;
- 完善论文内容:添加论文引用,并从头开始修改每句话的语法和上下句的逻辑,增加连接词,副词,动词并进行同义词替换;
- 精炼核心内容:精炼Abstract,并精炼每一个段落,增加段落的核心句和总结句;
- 修改图片表格:修图,修表格以提高图片表格质量,达到发表的要求,同时修改对图片的引用标号,并增加对图片或表格细节的描述;
- 确定论文初稿:对题目、Abstract再次敲定,对全文整体微调逻辑和润色,用Grammarly过一遍语法,确保语法无误。
- 再次核对检查:检查引图标号,参考文献引用,参考文献列表是否完整,排列顺序是否正确,参考文献格式是否正确;
- 正确格式排版:按照想投稿的期刊正确排版格式,图片、表格的title单独列出来,图片放到最后,附录材料整理完善等;
- Cu-authors提建议:Revise paper draft accordingly again and again…
- 在平时的科研中注意阶段性的总结和积累,有助于写introduction和添加引文。